Selling a home is not just all about putting a "for sale" sign on your front yard. A homeowner or a real estate agent needs to do a lot of advertising to spread the word out to as many potential buyers as possible. The advertising and promotion efforts that one has to take should not only be done in the physical world but as well as on the internet.

For potential buyers who don't have the time to set appointments, this kind of activity is ideal. They can just go to the property for sale should they chance upon one as they're driving by.
For real estate agents, an open house gives them the chance to learn more about the property. In this way, they have more information to provide potential home buyers and investors which could in turn raise their credibility.
Expanding your market is the major aim of an open house. As the activity is open to the public, more people are given the chance to view the house. They may be interested buyers, real estate agents and realtors or they can also be neighbors who know of a relative or good friend wanting to buy a house. In short, you're not only limiting your market to just buyers and agents.
What steps then do you need to take in order to hold a successful open house?
First, make sure to prepare your home by cleaning it inside and out. You want to make your residence as attractive as possible to agents and buyers so don't leave this to chance. Take away the clutter, keep pets away, lock up your valuable items and organize appliances such that you create more space notably in the interior part. Remember that a spacious home creates a comfortable ambiance.
Advertise your open house in as many ways as possible, offlline and online. Don't forget to include to provide the exact address of your home and specific directions in going there. Put up signs as well near your home to announce your open house.
Next step is to prepare a laser-printed or typewritten log in sheet for your visitors to sign in their names and phone numbers. You would want this so that you can follow up your potential buyers after the open house.
You may also want to print some fliers and brochures containing information about your property as well as contact details. You can give this out to visitors when they come during the open house.
On the day itself, play some light and soothing background music and greet your visitors with a smile as they arrive. Let them tour the house on their own and don't be afraid to ask questions as to how they find the property and what they like best. Be sure to answer questions in the most honest way you can.